
Join the 3-minute a day AI newsletter chosen by 74,000+ early adopters at Amazon, NFL, Ticketmaster, Polygon, X and more. (For Free) 🧠

About Us

Launched in a back room of NFT.NYC in 2021 by Kevin Godfrey, the Director of U.S. Operations for NFT.NYC, Promptbox has evolved from a sporadically sent, sometimes-weekly newsletter to a daily must-read for over 75,000 subscribers.

Our readership comprises tech-focused professionals from companies such as Amazon, the NFL, Google, Dell, Polygon, Microsoft and LiveNation.

Every morning at approximately 9:00 am ET, we drop an email spotlighting the top stories in AI, Web3/Crypto, trending AI tools, and intriguing (good or bad) finds from Reddit.

To learn more about Kevin Godfrey visit his LinkedIn here

Why Advertise with Us

  • Acquire new users/clients

  • Promote your tool/conference or project

  • Generate brand awareness within a niche community

  • Spread the word about your products or services

Key Audience Statistics

  • Reach: 74,000+ subscribers

  • Open Rate: 42%

  • CTR: 5%

  • Location: US, Canada, UK, China, India

  • 61% of our readers work in Tech, Web3 and Consulting.

  • 72% of our readers hold founder or senior executive positions at their companies.

  • 26% of our readers who shared their income said their household income is above 100,000.

  • 63% of our readers are subscribed to multiple AI and Web3-focused newsletters demonstrating strong interest in the space.

  • 83% of our readers said they find the tools and products mentioned in the newsletter to be their favorite part.

Main Ad

Placement at the top of the email that can include a 2:1 banner image, 400 characters and a CTA button. 1 spot available per issue.

USD $2,499.00

Bundle: Get a 15% discount for purchasing 4 spots.

Featured Ad

Middle of email, above the fold. 150 characters, 2:1 image, and CTA button. 1 spot available per issue.

USD: $1,999.00

Bundle: Get a 15% discount for purchasing 4 spots.

Shout Out + Tool

Middle of the email, below the fold 150 character write up of your project. Includes 2:1 image and CTA.

Plus, first trending tool of the day which includes 135 characters write up, 2:1 image and CTA button.

USD $1,499.00

Trending Tool Ad

First trending tool of the day, plus 135 characters write up. Includes 2:1 image and CTA button.

USD $649.00

**Ads are fully refundable if canceled 3 days (or more) in advance.

** Character limits may be increased to create better content, but will never be less than stated above.